Lavender Infused Herbal Oil
The Homestead Mother
Transform lavender into a luxurious herbal oil that can be used as a calming facial moisturizer or as a base to make a soothing salve.
Prep Time 5 minutes mins
Cook Time 1 hour hr
Solar Method 14 days d
16 ounce Wide mouth mason jar with a lid
Glass measuring cup
Stainless steel or mesh strainer
Glass container to store finished oil
Double boiler (only necessary for double boiler method)
Food thermometer (only necessary for double boiler method)
- 1 cup Dried lavender flowers
- 2 cups Grapeseed oil or sweet almond oil
Solar Infused Method
Fill a widemouthed mason jar halfway with dried lavender flowers and cover with oil. The oil should completely cover the herbs by at least 1-2 inches.
Place the jar in a warm sunny spot for 2-3 weeks making sure to shake the jar daily.
After 2-3 weeks it is time to strain the herbs from the oil. Place cheesecloth in a strainer over a glass measuring cup. Pour the herbs and oil into it and allow the oil to strain completely.
Store the oil in a glass container out of direct sunlight.
Double Boiler Method
Put water in the bottom part of the double boiler.
Place the herbs and oil in the top of the double boiler.
Slowly heat the herbs and oil until it comes to a low simmer. You don't want to boil the herbs.
Let the mixture simmer gently for 30-60 minutes checking frequently to be sure the oil doesn't overheat. The oil should stay between 95℉-110℉.
Place cheesecloth in a strainer over a glass measuring cup. Pour the herbs and oil into it and allow the oil to strain.
Store the oil in a glass container out of direct sunlight.