Unpacking and sharing our homeschool curriculum picks for my children in kindergarten and second grade.

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Over this past year I came across Charlotte Mason, and I really dove deep into her books.

While I am not sticking strictly to her schooling methods, I am incorporating many of Miss Masons philosophies into our homeschool.

Living books, nature study, and the arts are taking priority in our homeschool teachings this year.

Homeschool Curriculum Picks

History + Geography

We are reading our way through Early American History and American Geography with Beautiful Feet Books.

Both courses are made for grades K-3. I love that I can teach my kindergartener and second graders all from the same material, and I don’t need to buy and teach separate curricula for their different grade levels.

(Any group lessons for a large family is a huge plus!)

Of course, we will supplement with some good documentaries and also plan to visit many local historic places.

Math + Language Arts

A fellow homeschool mom introduced me to The Good and the Beautiful last year and I have heard wonderful things about the curriculum ever since.

After checking out their website (and seeing that we could try out their math and language art courses for free), I figured it was definitely worth a shot.

You can download and print the Math and Language Arts course books all for free right on their website.

I mean, who doesn’t love free curricula?

Nature Study

We used The Treehouse Schoolhouse Spring Nature Study curriculum last year and we all absolutely loved it. We are incorporating the other three seasons into this year.

Each week has its own nature theme with corresponding art, literature, and science lessons.

The Treehouse Seasonal Nature Studies is as a complete curriculum for my preschooler, while also serving as a slow yet beautiful start to the daily lessons for my elementary aged children.

(Even my high schooler enjoyed participating while she was home with us.)

Use code THEHOMESTEADMOTHER to save 10% off your order at The Treehouse House

homeschool curriculum


We will continue to explore the remaining topics in The Organic Studies. This year, we will be focusing more on the Earth science portions of the curriculum.

Check out my full review on The Organic Studies here.

homeschool curriculum


This year we are trying out Handwriting Without Tears to help work on our handwriting skills.

We are using Numbers and Letters for Me with my Kindergartener and Printing Power with my second graders.


To strengthen literacy skills, and build a foundation for foreign language, we are adding Latin to our lesson line up this year.

Latin for Littles provides my little ones with a slow and easy introduction to the new language.

This course is the best first step before we begin Minimus next year.

Art Studies

I can’t forget about Art for my little artists.

We are diving into the Idlewild Art Studies course by Idlewild & Co. to learn about and create art using new techniques and principles.

Use the code HOMESTEADMOTHER to receive 10% off your purchase at Idlewild & Co.

In addition, we will also be continuing our studies in Art History that we began over the summer.

It may seem like a lot, but we do not cover every subject every day.

That is part of all the glory in homeschooling.

We can tailor our school to fit our lives instead of the other way around.

Wishing you the best in your homeschool year,


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  1. […] See our full curriculum line up for this year here. […]

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