Homeschool Morning Routine

Getting back into a homeschool routine after a long break can be a challenge. Especially when you’re in the midst of the cold, dark winter.

This cozy morning routine has helped keep us productive and stay on track during these cold winter months.

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Normally we take most of December off from homeschooling to focus on family time and holiday celebrations.

We always plan to start up again after the New Year, but my body is never quite ready to exit hibernation mode. And honestly, neither are the kids’.

I’ve learned the best way to get back into the routine is simply – just start, but slowly.

Day by day I start to incorporate a new lesson into our routine, until we have a full homeschool routine again.

Winter Homeschool Morning Routine

Breakfast and Morning Read Aloud

We aim to have breakfast on the table for 8:30 am. The keyword here is aim. The time varies depending on the morning and our plans for the day.

While the kids are eating, I read story that ties into our weekly lesson.

This week we are focusing on Ancient Greece and the kids are really enjoying reading about Greek Mythology.

Homeschool Morning Routine
These free printables have been really helpful in introducing each character.

Table Work Block

After breakfast, we break to get ready for the day and meet back at the table for table time work.

This includes Math and Language Arts for all three boys. My preschooler usually works on a letter or math activity, or an art project.

preschool morning routine
Simple activities keep the kids happy and helps keep mama from getting burned out.

We are continuing to use The Good and the Beautiful for our Math and Language Arts curriculum this year. I have tried other curriculums, but I really appreciate the flow and how open and go the curriculum is.

Independent Reading

Once the boys have finished their table work, they go on to complete their Independent Reading while E completes her preschool lessons.

Currently the boys are reading their choice of biography from the ‘Who Is/Who Was’ book series.

Once they finish a book, they complete one of these ‘Who Was’ book reports.


During preschool E will go over her letter and number flashcards, if we didn’t review them during table time.

We then move on to reading together and doing a corresponding activity. Sometimes my youngest boy will join in on.

Preschool Morning Routine
We LOVE all of the Jan Brett books. This free The MItten printable is from Teachers Pay Teachers.

Outside or Outing

After our main lessons are done for the day, we head outside to burn off some energy. Depending on the day we may go to our local library for story time or meet up with friends. We also attend a co-op once a week.

Lunch and Read Aloud

At lunch we enjoy another read aloud together. Currently we are reading through Aesop’s Fables for Ancient Greece.


After lunch we do an activity that ties into our reading. This week we are working on writing and decoding words using the Greek Alphabet.

Next week we start a new monthly unit about Human Anatomy, and I just can’t wait for our activities!

Human Body Unit

Quiet Time

We end the day with quiet time, because we all need a break and some quiet at this point in our day.

Typically, we watch a documentary that goes along with our lessons, but not always. It really just depends on the day.

Continuing Our Homeschool Routine

That is how our daily homeschool routine looks currently, and it’s been working out really well.

Usually in February I’m dragging my feet to get through the school day, but this routine has been pretty sustainable thus far.

Until next time,

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