Nature study

So, you’ve heard of Nature Study, but how exactly do you do a Nature Study?

It’s really a lot easier than you may think.

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nature study butterfly

How to Do a Nature Study

1. Get outside and observe

Get the kids outside and let them explore.

This isn’t a time for formal study, but to let the kids observe what they see in nature and to let them think about what they are observing.

Keep in mind: you don’t need to have all the answers for them.

It’s ok not to have all the answers.

Take a step back and let nature be the teacher.

Nature study garden

2. Bring a nature bag

Keeping a nature bag stocked and ready to go can be especially helpful.

These tools really help them dive into what they are learning.

And because they are having so much fun, we spend more time out observing.

3. Have a collection of nature books

Nature books make for a quick lesson or can answer questions the children may have.

Who knows – maybe they will help spark an interest in something new.

We keep the Julia Rothman Anatomy Books and the Take-Along Guides in our nature book basket.

4. Keep a nature notebook

Keeping a nature notebook is a fun way for the kids to showcase what they have learned.

It can be as simple as a little sketch of what they saw, or they can try new art techniques, draw a picture with labels, or write sentences about their drawing.

There are no rules here.

One of my children went through a photography phase so he would take pictures of the insects and animals he found. He would then print them and add them into a nature binder he was keeping.

5. Add-on lessons (but you don’t have to)

Incorporating unit studies from Etsy for diagrams, printables, and more to go along with a specific nature topic.

Some of my favorite shops are:

I hope you are more confident in doing nature study in your homeschool.

For help brainstorming some nature studies, you can find a list of nature studies I’ve put together here.

Until next time,

nature study pin

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