Hello! I’m Ashley, the creator behind The Homestead Mother.

A homeschooling mom of five, passionate gardener, and herbal enthusiast.

I started The Homeschool Mother to share my journey of homesteading, gardening, and natural living while balancing homeschooling and motherhood.

ashley in the garden

I believe deeply in the power of connecting with nature, growing our own food and medicine, and passing down these skills to the next generation.

Here, you’ll find:

Join Me on This Journey

If you love gardening, herbalism, and simple, intentional living, you’re in the right place! Let’s learn, grow, and create together.

Follow along for gardening tips, homeschooling inspiration, and herbal wisdom:

Let’s connect!

Have a question or just want to say hi? Send me an email me at: thehomesteadmother@gmail.com

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